What’s in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Romeo & Juliet
William Shakespeare

In this famed play by Shakespeare, Juliet tells Romeo that a name is an artificial and meaningless convention.

We disagree. At the David-Kenneth Group, our name means something to us. But unlike the tragic Romeo and Juliet, our name was birthed from a real tragedy.

David-Kenneth is the grandson of our founder and CEO, David (Dave) Mathisen. He was born quietly on April 26.

His name, David-Kenneth, was given in tribute to his grandfather and his uncle, Kenneth Mathisen, who was killed years earlier in a tragic auto accident.

David-Kenneth is the name by which we solemnly pin to this corporate endeavor, publicly recorded as the David-Kenneth Group. It is a daily reminder to us that life is a gift.

And while the name defines an event in our past, it motivates our future. As a corporation, the David-Kenneth Group strives to bring honor to his name by the way we conduct our business affairs, our relationships with clients and each other.